About the Synthetic Biology Products and Applications Inventory

This "living" inventory is a resource for the public, synthetic biology developers, policymakers, and others who are interested in learning about how synthetic biology is entering the marketplace. This inventory starts to catalog the various commercial applications where synthetic biology may have an impact on society.

New technologies are often defined by a few iconic examples that capture the public imagination. While nanotechnology was defined in the early days by its applications like stain-resistant clothing and sunscreens, it took longer to realize that nanoscale science and engineering were having pervasive impacts across multiple economic sectors and products and creating significant potential for improvements in costs and efficiency.

Synthetic biology has so far been associated with a few limited applications, but this inventory provides a glimpse of its impact on multiple sectors, including energy, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and food. The real power of synthetic biology may be in the creation of a field of knowledge, critical to the design of new technologies and manufacturing processes in general. Research on specific applications or near-commercial activities does not guarantee eventual market entry and/or economic impact, but the breadth of commercial and upstream activity is important to track as the science advances.

Synthetic biology is a rapidly changing technology platform and therefore the data represented in this inventory may not represent the most current developments in any particular product category, company or market status designation.The inventory is an attempt to look over the horizon of this emerging science.

Registered users are encouraged to submit relevant data pertaining to synthetic biology applications, their function, properties, and producer(s). Registered users can update product information, upload supporting scientific data and add new products. It is a “work in progress” and we hope others will help us as we update and expand the inventory. You can register for an account here.

Click on the links below to learn more about the methodology behind the inventory, updates to the inventory, analysis of its contents, and our disclaimer.