Medusoid: Tissue-Engineered Biomimetic Jellyfish



What they say about it

Choosing a jellyfish for its simplistic structure, scientists have successfully replicated the creature's muscle pumping and consequent biomimetic motion with chemically dissociated rat tissue and silicone polymer. This required a revolutionarily organized combination of biosynthetic materials, computer-aided design approaches and soft robotics, which demonstrated the ability to more broadly apply this kind of synthetic muscular action for other applications in the future.

Country of Origin

How they say it works

The final jellyfish was built by laying out a thin membrane of silicone that mimicked the shape of a small jellyfish, printing a protein pattern onto it, and then using that pattern to serve as "a road map for growth and organization of dissociated rat tissue (individual heart muscle cells that retain the ability to contract) into a coherent swimming muscle." Synchronized swimming contractions were then induced by placing the device into a conductive fluid and applying an oscillating electric stimulus that alternated from zero to five volts.

Market Status

Ensuing Products
Organic Pumps, Artificial Organs

Synbio Components


Additional Sources
Journal article