This report summarizes the vast accomplishments the Synthetic Biology Project has achieved since 2008.
The DIY-biology community, as a stakeholder that has already addressed many of the underlying issues, should take part in a robust public dialogue about the use of CRISPR–Cas9 and how governance models can ensure safe, responsible research.
The National Academies is convening a new study to explore forthcoming biotechnology products and the capabilities needed to evaluate these products. Synthetic Biology Project Director David Rejeski has been appointed to the study’s expert committee.
Last week the Food and Drug Administration released for comment the draft environmental assessment submitted by Oxitec for its genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, while also finding the company's field test would have no significant impact on the environment.
Last month, Eleonore Pauwels of the Synthetic Biology Project participated in a panel organized by New America Foundation and Slate Magazine that explored how new gene technologies could help fight the emerging Zika Virus threat. An archived video of the panel can be viewed here.
Join the Environmental Law Institute on 2/18/16 at 2 pm EST for a webinar on gene editing and invasive speices, featuring Fred Gould of North Carolina State University, Karl Campbell of Island Conservation and Todd Kuiken of the Synthetic Biology Project. Register here.
The Synthetic Biology Project is releasing a new report looking at intenational intellectual property treaties and synthetic biology.
This new report looks at the implications of the Nagoya Protocol of the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity for synthetic biology.
In a new documnentary, the Synthetic Biology Project explores the growth of do-it-yourself biology (DIYbio) as seen through the BUGSS community lab in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Synthetic Biology Project is teaming up with the American Society for Microbiology and the Baltimore Underground Science Space to put on an exciting evening of experiements and fun. Join us on Oct. 28 in Washington, DC, to learn more about synthetic biology!
A new report from the Synthetic Biology Project looks at the current regulatory oversight of synthetic biology in the United States through the lens of different applications.
NEW DATE! Join us Oct. 15 for the release of our new report, The DNA of the U.S. Regulatory System: Are We Getting It Right for Synthetic Biology? Panelists will discuss how synthetic biology applications would be regulated by the U.S. Coordinated Framework, how this would affect the market pathway of these applications and whether the existing framework will protect human health and the environment.
A new analysis finds the Defense Department funds much of the U.S. government's synthetic biology research.